January 19, 2016

A New Hope?

I saw some encouraging words today in one of my long discussions somewhere else:
Salty Biscuit said: "Wow. I have to tell you, when we started this conversation, it felt like talking against a wall. But then somehow, we started understanding each other. This last comment actually moved me. I may not be fully convinced, but I think I will keep talking to religious people I know in person or find on the internet. I will try to understand them better, learn from them and maybe in the end, I will return to this very comment section and I'll be able to tell you I found [God]."

This was what I said to him before:

"...I see, and understand, your struggle. The Bible is very clear why you're struggling. The Bible states you're suppressing the truth in your unrighteousness. It's willful. God also says that you will not get to knowledge without repentance. 2 Corinthians 3:15-16 points that repentance comes before knowledge of truth, not after: 2 Timothy 2:24-26 It also says that God will not refuse anyone seeking Him, but you cannot approach God in arrogance. Psalms 51:17 states how to approach the Creator of our universe. Doubtful folding arms will not get any results. He gave you His absolute promise if you do this, He will open your understanding of Him, even more: John 14:21 spells it out. I get it though, we seem crazy and wishful, but we aren't. I have 6 kids and the greatest wife on the planet. I am also a grandfather. I am not some false preacher here, like a Benny Hinn or Joel Osteen, that attempt to discourage rational people. Keep seeking.

Talking to skeptical people is like talking to a 19 year old kid who just broke up with his first love. He feels there is no way to continue without her, that life has ended, etc. But when you talk to him when he is 24 and ask him to recall those beliefs, he is embarrassed as to the way he was acting in his young 19 year old beliefs, and it seems absurd to him now. I was raised in an atheistic home, and I could NEVER, ever return back to those beliefs. I know now. God manifested Himself in such a large way to me that it would be impossible to turn from it. I feel your struggle, as I was there myself. But, if I were you, I would spend however long it takes begging God to grant you that gift of repentance.

When I was 23, I'm 47 now, I got real serious exploring the truth of the claims of God. God granted me repentance, even though it was undeserved, and it took 10 years to finally get to the point of being a Christian. When I see you in Heaven, I will be so grateful and celebrate with you for all eternity, having good laughs about these times together when we both almost didn't make it. I cannot wait. I will continue to trust that God answered my prayers about you. Please let me know when you find Him, if you're looking that is.

BTW, baby steps first. For now all you seem to have is gripes and complaints that can be accounted for, and justified, within our Christian worldview, but impossible to address within an atheistic worldview. Milk before meat. Terms like bad, evil, and wrong comport with my worldview, because we have that absolute standard of good, but not an atheistic worldview which denies that standard source called God. Hate to break this news to you, but the Bible calls you an antichrist: 1 John 2:22, 1 John 4:3, 1 John 2:18 Fight to shed that label from the Creator of the universe, before it's too late. HERE are all the verses I pointed to in a handy link: bit.ly/Seekplea "

This is all I want, just a glimmer of hope in individuals that are actually seeking. Obviously, pray for Salty Biscuit and thank God for possibly granting repentance.
